Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Chinese American Counselling Service 华人心理辅导中心
Monday, September 3, 2007
Hsieh, S.J. & Tori, C. D. (2007). Normative Data on Cross- Cultural Neuropsychological Tests Obtained from Mandarin- Speaking Adults Across the Life Span, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22(4), 283
Recent Publication
Hsieh, S.J. & Tori, C. D. (2007). Normative Data on Cross- Cultural Neuropsychological Tests Obtained from Mandarin- Speaking Adults Across the Life Span, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22(4), 283
Although Mandarin is the world's most commonly spoken native language, normative data on neuropsychological tests for this population are limited. Therefore, samples of young (n = 142, M age = 35.77 years), middle-aged (n = 71, M age = 52.65), and elderly (n = 111, M age = 69.27) Mandarin speaking adults living in
谢博士专攻一般临床心理与脑神经心理. 服务对象涵盖美, 欧, 中族裔的儿童, 成人,与老人.
从事心理工作以前, 谢博士曾任职临床社会工作多年, 为医院高血压, 末期腎脏病, 糖尿病, 癌症, 等慢性病患者及家属服务.
作为脑神经心理师, 谢博士对于多动症, 学习障碍, 头部受伤, 中风, 脑瘤, 失忆, 老人痴呆等病患, 以专业心理测验, 进行临床诊断, 并推荐治疗方式.
作为临床心理师, 谢博士对于抑郁消沉, 忧虑, 恐慌, 惧怕, 以及心理压力等问题, 提供心理治疗与咨询.
谢博士在九零年代曾任教北京大学, 指导研究生从事心理研究, 并曾在香港医学法律界担任咨询心理师. 谢博士目前在湾区执业, 并为一些医疗机构提供咨询服务.
Asian American Mental Health Directory
Santa Clara County Psychological Association
Northern California Neuropsychology Forum
National Academy of Neuropsychology
American Psychological Association
APA defines a psychologist as someone having "a doctoral degree in psychology from an organized, sequential program in a regionally accredited university or professional school."
Pediatric Neuropsychology - A Guide for Parents
A neuropsychological evaluation assists in better understanding a child's functioning in areas such as memory, attention, perception, coordination, language, and personality.
The test results can help explain why the child is having school problems, detect the effects of developmental, neurological, and medical problems, such as epilepsy, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, or a general disorder.
Most importantly, testing provides a better understanding of the child's behavior and learning in school, at home, and in the community. The evaluation can guide teachers, therapists, and parents to better help the child achieve his or her potential.
Clinical Neuropsychology - A Guide for Patients and Their Families
A typical neuropsychological evaluation will involve assessment of the following: general intellect, higher level executive skills, attention and concentration, learning and memory, language, visual-spatial skills, motor and sensory skills, mood and personality.
The test results can be used to identify weaknesses in specific areas, help differentiate among illnesses, establish a "baseline," plan treatments that use strengths to compensate for weaknesses, and help your doctors understand what problems you may have in everyday life.
Voluntary Work
Volunteer Instructor: American Cancer Society, Northern California Chinese Unit, 2005 - present
Professional Publications
Hsieh, S.J. & Tori, C. D. (2007). Normative Data on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Tests Obtained from Mandarin-Speaking Adults Across the Life Span, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22(4), 283.
Hsieh, S.J & Reed, L. (2005). Norms for the Draw-A-Person (DAP) Test for Chinese-Speaking Children, 25th annual conference, National Academy of Neuropsychology, Tampa, Florida.
Hsieh, S.J. & Riley, N. (1999). Maturation of Visuospatial Copying Ability: A Cross- Cultural Study, National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio, TX.
Hsieh, S.J., Bo, X., & Riley, N. (1998).
Hsieh, J. and Riley, N., (1997). Neuropsychological Performance in the People’s Republic of China: Age and Education Norms for Four Attention Tasks, National Academy of Neuropsychology, Las Vegas, NV.
Hsieh, J. & Riley, N. (1997). Normative Performance in the People’s Republic of
Hsieh, J. (1997). Neuropsychological Assessment of Monolingual Chinese-Speaking Patients. In E.Lee (Ed.), Asian-American Mental Health: A Clinical Handbook, (pp.342-353).
Hsieh, J. (1997). Maximizing Living in
Hsieh, J. (1996-1997). Stress Management Seminars, Motorola (
Hsieh, J. (1996). Stress Management Seminars,
Hsieh, J. (1996). Systematic Training for Effective Parenting, the International
Hsieh, J. (1996).
Hsieh, J. (1995). Cross Cultural Approach on Traumatic Stress Reaction: A Sequel to the 1995
Hsieh, J. (1995). Self-Esteem and Peer Pressure,
Hsieh, J. (1995). Living With Affluence,
Hsieh, J. (1994). The Therapeutic Effects of Neuropsychological Evaluation on Monolingual Chinese-Speaking Patients in America, The Second International Conference of Psychotherapy for the Chinese, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Hsieh, J. (1994). Stress Management, Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, 1994 Annual Winter conference, Santa Clara Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara, California
Hsieh, J. & Tori, C. (1993). Neuropsychological and Cognitive Effects of Chinese Language Instruction, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77, 1971-1081.
Hsieh, J. (1993). Intellectual Development of Children,
Hsieh, J. (1991). The Cognitive Effects of Chinese Language Training in A Sample of Chinese-American Children, Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 2074A.
Hsieh, J. (1991). Coping with Depression, Mental Health Series, Organization of Chinese American Women, Silicon Valley Chapter,
Geropsychology Fellow
July 2003 - July 2005
San Francisco Veteran’s Administration and Medical Center
Psychology Service Department
San Francisco, CA
Neuropsychology Fellow
June 1991 - June 1992
San Francisco Veteran’s Administration and Medical Center
Psychology Service Department
San Francisco, CA
Post-Doctoral Intern
September 1991 - June 1992
Richmond Area Multi-Services
San Francisco, CA
Psychology Intern
July 1990 - June 1991
San Francisco Veteran’s Administration and Medical Center
Psychology Services Department
San Francisco, CA
Psychology Intern
July 1989 - July 1990
Depression Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA
Practicum Intern
September 1988 - June 1989
Psychological Services Center
Berkeley, CA
Licenses & Certifications
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, State of
Qualified Medical Evaluator, State of
Alliance International University (formerly California School of Professional Psychology Berkeley/Alameda), San Francisco, California
Master of Social Work
Jane Adams School of Social Work
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Professional Membership
American Psychological
Psychologists in Long Term Care
Additional Experiences
May 2003 - Present, September 1998 - November 2000
San Francisco and Cupertino, CA
Visiting Professor
September 1995 - May 1998
Department of Psychology
Peking University, Beijing, China
Clinical Psychologist
August 1995 - May 1998
International Medical Center of Beijing
Beijing, China
Clinical Psychologist
September 1994 - December 1997
The Practice
Hong Kong
Consulting Psychologist
August 1993 - June 1994
San Francisco, CA
Faculty Psychologist
March 1999 - October 2000
Asian Family Institute August 1993 - June 1994
San Francisco, CA
As a Visiting Professor
September 1995 - May 1998
Department of Psychology
Peking University,
As a Consulting Pscyhologist
May 2003 - Present, September 1998 - November 2000
Contact Me
1255 Post Street @ Van Ness, Suite 454
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone/Fax: (408) 973-1253
South Bay Office
19925 Stevens Creek Blvd. near Wolfe
Cupertino, CA 95014-2358
Phone/Fax: (408) 973-1253
My Services
I have practiced clinical psychology in the
Ethnic groups served include Chinese (monolingual and bilinguals), Asians, Europeans, Australians, and Americans.
Services provided include neuropsychological assessment, psycho-diagnostic assessment, forensic psychological assessment, and outpatient psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families.
Population served includes children, adolescents, adults and geriatrics.
While most of the services are provided face-to-face, I may also provide services via telephone, or at client's site anywhere in the world.
About Me
I am a licensed clinical psychologist with experiences in neuropsychological testing and psychotherapy. I received my PhD. in clinical Psychology from California School of Professional Psychology in 1991. I am also a Qualified Medical Evaluator certified by the State of
I received trainings at Veteran’s Administration of San Francisco (Neuropsychology and Health Psychology),
I presently conducts private practice in both
To supplement the limited space available on my website, I have created this blog as a place to share with my clients and colleagues more about myself and my services. Please feel free to post your comments as well. Thanks.
Dr. Judy Hsieh
Clinical neuropsychology & pscychotherapy
bilingual Chinese Mandarin-speaking and Cantonese-speaking
Servicing San Francisco,